When it comes to marketing a game there are a lot of ways to go about it, from traditional PR to media buying, conventions, social media and much more. As an indie game developer it’s important to know exactly where to spend limited time and resources to make sure you get the most out of your marketing budget. We’ll be going over the pros and cons of some of the most popular marketing techniques as well as helpful tips on what you can do to make your game a success.

The Fall 2013 session of CMS.611 “Creating Videogames” will present their final projects as postmortems.

CMS.611 is a class designed to teach production practices for small teams making digital games. For their final project, students formed in teams of 8-10 to practice iterative design methods, agile project management, and regular play testing and user testing. This semester, we have 3 teams who will present the problems and challenges they faced this semester, what they were able to overcome, what went horribly awry, and what they learned from the process. An audience member will be asked to play the game before each presentation as a live demo of their games. There will be time after each presentation for questions to the teams.