Friday Games: Lex Laser Saves the Galaxy, Again

Friday Games: Lex Laser Saves the Galaxy, Again

What happens when you bring together role playing, tactical combat, advanced weapon customization, the cold depths of space, and tall tales? Oh, and a whole lot of enemies?

Andrew Grant, our Technical Director, will be talking about and playing the games that have inspired him to make “Lex Laser Saves the Galaxy, Again” a game that he’s calling a tactical puzzle RPG for busy people.

Some of the games we’ll talk about and play are Robots, Gauntlet, Rogue, Diablo, Dungeons & Dragons, SSI’s Gold Box games, HERO System, Star Control II, Star Saga, and maybe even FTL (again!).

From his description of the game:

Lex Laser is the lone conscript who fought off 300 zologs in the Battle of Hilbert 5. Lex Laser is the only human to have been made an honorary member of the Vkesti Immortal Council. Lex Laser released, caught, survived, and cured the final outbreak of Smallpox IV. Lex Laser dug up a fortune in alien artifacts in the asteroids around Rigel – and lost it all three days later.

It’s hard to be a living tall tale. Despite the fame, or perhaps because of it, Lex Laser just wants to be left alone. Lex Laser doesn’t want to save the galaxy, but sometimes, you’re in the wrong place at the wrong time, and that’s when you have to act.

You are Lex Laser’s combat implant, the secret of his/her success. Lex Laser may be an expert technician, spaceship mechanic, and sometime scientist, but when the going gets tough, you take over.

You direct Lex Laser in a 2d game world. Lex Laser will be fighting hordes of zarbats, mining explosive crystals, running away from angry robots, looting a scuttled dreadnaught, or exploring an alien ruin, and more.

Join us at the MIT Game Lab this Friday, May 3 at 4:00pm — either in person at 26-153 or online via

As Studio Manager for the MIT Game Lab, Rik Eberhardt spends his days playing Tetris: with people, boxes, tasklists, equipment, and time. When not staring at a spreadsheet trying to fit in another computer purchase, a last minute event budget, or placing undergraduate researchers on a Game Lab project, he's chipping away at spreadsheets on his DS, reproducing pixel-art in Picross and Picross 3D. His favorite moments on the job are working on projects with student workers and having fun social interactions forced on him despite his busy schedule. Contact him about research projects at the MIT Game Lab at