Friday Games: Antichamber & Mark of the Ninja

It’s been more than a month since our last Friday Games! This will not stand.
Actually, the lab has been going through a big renovation. Rik has been working tirelessly to get the TV and streaming computer mounted on the wall, freeing up considerable space, as well as MacGyvering an awesome drinks corner to keep the lab fueled and hydrated. Just saying, you might hear a Sodastream on the live stream.
Oh, right, games! This week we’ll be joined by Nick Taylor from North Carolina State University, and he’s been getting into Antichamber and Mark of the Ninja lately. Both of these indie games have a particularly interesting take on visual reality, a complete 180° from photorealism. Instead, they use the graphical plane extensively to expand the senses of your avatar and to reveal the logics of their virtual worlds.
As usual, we’ll start at 4pm in MIT room 26-153. Join us in person or on Twitch!