January 2019
IAP 2019: Discotheque Music and Technology
IAP class: The disk jockey - selector, crate digger, musical host, turntablist. This seminar looks at the evolution of music, technologies, and practices of the modern discotheque. Join us every Thursday afternoon for hip-shaking vibes and music in the Lewis Music Library!
Find out more »IAP 2019: Board Games and Counter Colonialism in the Americas
IAP Class, limited enrollment: What messages and ideologies are embedded in the games we play, why does it matter, and how can we do better? In this two day workshop, we will look at contemporary board games with colonialist themes set in the Americas. We will discuss and play the games using a critical postcolonial lens in order to see how we can understand the function of these cultural artifacts in a greater political context. We will look at problematic issues which are prevalent in current commercial games, but we will also look at examples of counter-colonialist games.
Find out more »IAP 2019: Discotheque Music and Technology
IAP class: The disk jockey - selector, crate digger, musical host, turntablist. This seminar looks at the evolution of music, technologies, and practices of the modern discotheque. Join us every Thursday afternoon for hip-shaking vibes and music in the Lewis Music Library!
Find out more »IAP 2019: Writing for Videogames: It’s Almost as Fun as it Sounds
IAP class, limited enrollment: My first video game writing job was a year-long stint with an iOS company that wanted to start a game franchise. They had a concept: mercs with guns. They had a genre: sci-fi. They didn’t have a game title, a universe, bad guys, weaponry, spaceships, or a plot. So I gave them what they needed (SHADOWGUN) and they paid me for it, and thus began my somewhat-lucrative job as a video game writer. In this one-day, three-hour seminar, I’ll tell you what I’ve done right in my career, what I’ve done wrong, and I’ll offer suggestions on both world-building and character-building. Questions from the audience are both expected and needed.
Find out more »January 2020
IAP 2020: DJ History and Technology
DJ: disk jockey
Selector, crate digger, musical host, turntablist
This series looks at the evolution of music, technologies, and practices of the modern dancefloor DJ. Join us every Friday afternoon in January for discotheque history and classic grooves!
Find out more »IAP 2020: Playing Counter-Colonialism in the Americas
Independent Activities Period 2020 Enrollment: 16 participants: Advance sign-up required Participants can sign up for either, or both, days. Sign-up by 01/17 Location: 9-255 City Arena Play is used as a way to fortify the status of those who control the play or are its heroes. The Western colonial mindset still permeates games and gaming culture. The MIT Game Lab and MIT COLAB works to challenge these ideas and create alternative narratives. In this two-day workshop, we will meet artists and academics …
IAP 2020: Playing Counter-Colonialism in the Americas Read More »
Find out more »January 2021
IAP 2021: DJ History, Technique, and Technology
This series looks at the evolution of music, technologies, and practices of the modern dancefloor DJ. Join us every Friday afternoon for discothèque history and classic grooves!
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